Multnomah County Health Department, Dental Services State Funded Rehab

  • 426 Sw Stark Street (7th Floor)
    Portland, OR - 97204

  • 503-988-3711

Multnomah County Health Department, Dental Services State Funded Rehab

Dental Clinics
Dental Services provides routine and urgent dental care in five clinics in Multnomah County, and coordinates referrals to urgent and emergency dental appointments. We accept MultiCare Dental and Capitol Dental benefit plans.

New patient appointments
* MultiCare Dental members: 503-988-3711
* Capitol Dental members: 800-525-6800
* Uninsured urgent or emergency care: Call the Dental Access Program at 503-988-6942

This dental assistance location provided is subject to change. We work to maintain an accurate list, but we urge you to call the location directly for further information as may have changed since this posting was created.

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