Schc Willow Clinic State Funded Rehab
24091 W. Long Lake Rd.
Willow, AK - 99688
Schc Willow Clinic State Funded Rehab

This facility provides diagnostic, preventive and basic restorative services; which include exams, cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, emergency dental care, extractions and fillings. Services at this facility are covered by Denali Kid Care and qualify for the discount fee program. Once a month they have a pediatric dentist available.
This facility accepts all forms of payment, including private insurance and Denali Kid Care. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Delta Dental and United concordia are preferred insurances but this facility will file all others as a courtesy. Unless you make other arrangements or exceptions apply, a minimum payment of $25 for each procedure is expected at the time of service at this facility.
This dental assistance location provided is subject to change. We work to maintain an accurate list, but we urge you to call the location directly for further information as may have changed since this posting was created.
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