Community Health Clinic Ole State Funded Rehab

Community Health Clinic Ole State Funded Rehab

Sister Ann Community Dental Clinic provides preventive andrestorative dental care and education. Services are provided on asliding fee scale, based on family income. Services include:

Fluoride Treatments
Oral Hygiene Instruction
Minor Oral Surgery
Emergency Dental Care

Experience has shown that education about the causes of tooth decayand gum disease, and instruction in the practice of good oral hygienelead to better health. This is why Sister Ann Community Dental Clinicalso provides dental health education to all patients with astate-of-the-art software program. The education program allowspatients to view videos on a variety of oral health during their dentalappointments. The children’s educational videos also help to calmnervous young patients.

This dental assistance location provided is subject to change. We work to maintain an accurate list, but we urge you to call the location directly for further information as may have changed since this posting was created.

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