Health First Family Care Center, Inc. State Funded Rehab
841 Central St # 101
Franklin, NH - 03235
Health First Family Care Center, Inc. State Funded Rehab

Specialized preventive dental services for children are provided through a contract with a private practicing Dentists and Dental Hygienist in the region, who provide outreach services in conjunction with with local schools for first graders and third graders. A model approved by the Division of Public Health is used in this program. In our model, the Dental Hygienist has traveling dental hygiene equipment, visits an individual school at a prearranged time, date, and place. She meets individually with children whose parents have given written permission for her to do an oral exam and individualized educational session with the children. A written report of the dental visit is sent to the parents with any significant findings and information on referral to local dentists if it should be necessary.
This dental assistance location provided is subject to change. We work to maintain an accurate list, but we urge you to call the location directly for further information as may have changed since this posting was created.
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